The program has the following structure:

A one-week period to be announced soon, which includes preparatory work and distance preparation lectures in a modern and asynchronous way.

A one-week period [from 11/14/2022 to 11/19/2022] where the intensive training program includes a physical presence of students at Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, structured around the following topics:

  • Common problems or challenges in the participating countries
    • Tourism
    • Ecosystem services
    • Attitudes of private forest owners towards non-industrial use of forests
    • Conflict management
    • Wood as biomass
    • By-products from the forest industry, e.g. bio composites
    • Energy potentials from waste (Forestry & agricultural residues)

Instructors and students from the following Universities will participate:

  • University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Serbia
  • University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
  • Mendel University in Brno, Czech Rep
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuania
  • Université de Lorraine, France
  • University of Thessaly Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design.

The host University will be Karelia UAS (University of Applied Sciences) Finland.

The successful completion of the program gives students 5 ECTS and will be included in the Appendix of their degree.

Student travel is funded by the Erasmus + program. More information about the program can be found here:

Those interested should submit the following supporting documents to the Secretariat of the Department by email:

(When sending the application they should indicate as a subject in the field of sending the email: BIP Finland “Last Name”).

  1. Application of a student for ERASMUS + studies (can be downloaded from:
  2. Original Certificate of Detailed Score from the Secretariat of the Department to which they belong
  3. A short CV, which will also state the reasons for expressing interest in participating in the program
  4. Copies of language proficiency certificates (recognized by ASEP)
  5. Copy of the Police Identity Card

Every student of the Department can participate in the Program if:

  • He is enrolled in an official study program of the University of Thessaly, which leads to obtaining a degree or other degree, including postgraduate and doctoral.
  • Has sufficient knowledge of the language in which the activities take place. The level required by the respective Host Institution is considered sufficient. Students who do not have the required language proficiency certificate of the Host Institution can not participate in the program.

Selection criteria:

  1. Certified language proficiency in at least one language (English),
  2. Have passed 80% of the courses of the semester that are,
  3. Disabled,
  4. Participation in research activities of the Department will be considered,
  5. Previous participation in an Erasmus program will be taken into account,
  6. Personal interview.

The deadline for submitting the candidacy is 06/20/2022 at 17:00 p.m. (send by email) to the following email:

For any additional information the candidates can contact:

a) with the ERASMUS office in Larissa: Areti BANIA International Relations Office – Erasmus + University of Thessaly, Gaiopolis +302410684727 or o and indicate as subject in the email field: BIP Finland “Last Name”.

b) with the ERASMUS Manager of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design, Professor Georgios Ntalos ( ) and to indicate as a subject in the field of sending the email: BIP Finland “Last Name”.

The Erasmus Manager of the Department

Georgios Ntalos
