Scientific field: Business Administration with a specialization on Human Resource Management
☎ +30 24410 64717
George Aspridis is Professor in “Administrative Sciences” at University of Thessaly. He studied Political Sciences and Public Administration at University of Athens. He has a Ph.D. in Administrative Sciences from University of Athens. The topic of his PhD Thesis was “Comparison of the performance evaluation of human resources for public and private entities” (2004). He is/was Adjunct Lecturer in the Hellenic Open University (HOU) in Public Administration, in School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (SPETE), in Aegean University and in Greek Police Schools. He is a freelance consultant and seminar instructor on HRM, Leadership and Business Communication at various public and private organizations in Greece. He belongs to the teaching staff of the National Centre for Public Administration. He is a member of several committees during administrative duties in TEI of Thessaly. He was Adjunct lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Technological Educational Institute of Halkida and in the Department of Accounting, Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus. He was a Scientific Collaborator in the National Accreditation Centre for Continuing Vocational Training and in the Monitoring Service for European Social Fund Actions, Ministry of Employment and Social Security. He has published several books and more than 60 refereed journal papers and presented his work in several international conferences (ie Springer, SEER De Gruyter open, Cambridge Scholars Publishing etc). He has published papers and articles in international and Greek journals recognized on the organization and functioning of the public administration, human resources management, local government and decentralization. His research interests include human resource management, corporate social responsibility, organizational culture, organizational design, Europeanization and several methodological issues related to management and relationships private and public sector. He is member of the Hellenic Chamber of Administrative Sciences and member of several scientific organizations, including the Greek Institute of Administrative Sciences. There are more than 1000 citations in the published articles and research from Professors, researchers and a various number of scientific and educational institutions.