
The knowledge and abilities of the graduates of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Planning, are realized with the following skills: development of staff plans of administrative organization and financial administration of state, but also private structures for the management and utilization of forest and other terrestrial natural resources, drawing up forestry plans and plans exploitation, protection, exploitation and development of forests and forest lands in general, drawing up and implementing plans for the management of wild fauna and the overall ecosystem management of forests, utilization of mountainous and semi-mountainous pastures and grasslands, drawing up studies for the construction of forestry and hydrological projects, handling, processing and quality control and marketing of forest products, preparation of special environmental studies and action plans for the protection, utilization and maintenance of the balance of the natural environment, development of business plans and organizational charts of forest farms, industries of production, processing and utilization of forest products, drafting of plans tourism or other exploitation of peri-urban and aesthetic forests, drawing up risk management plans, building production plans, standardization and marketing of aromatic plants and forest fruits, production of thematic maps for land characterization based on aerial photographs, satellite images and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) backgrounds and the formation of digital soil models and other forest interest. Furthermore, the graduates of the Department can evaluate the ecosystem services and the overall economic value of forests and forest ecosystems, estimate and calculate the costs and incomes of the production of forest holdings, prepare studies concerning the contribution of forests to addressing and mitigating climate change, evaluating investments in the natural environment and the wood and furniture industries, seeking funding, planning the strategy, marketing of forest products, wood and furniture products and businesses, shaping forestry, environmental and development policy, to successfully plan and implement development projects, programs and policies for the sustainable development of mountainous and rural areas, as well as business consulting skills. In addition, they have skills in drafting and implementing circular economy and bioeconomy plans, as well as scientific methods for the design and production of furniture, wood products and wooden constructions, drafting quality control reports and quality assurance systems for the entire range of wood products, furniture, drafting business plans during establishment, organization, management, and operation of wood utilization businesses and organizations, possessing responsibility skills in wood, furniture, wood packaging and wood construction units, as well as developing marketing plans and marketing wood and furniture products, skills to grasp the modern operation of the furniture market and wood products and customer requirements, and demonstrate and apply skills in implementing methodologies for developing, using, maintaining and marketing CAD/CAM/CAE systems, IT systems, digital technologies and prototyping, design and develop innovations across the value chain of forests and to carry out basic and applied research in the Department’s academic subjects.