The Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design provides scientists with a doctorate degree, the possibility of conducting postdoctoral research in areas that fall within the research interests and subject areas of the Department, in accordance with the current legislation, the written provisions and the current Regulation of Postdoctoral Research at the University of Thessaly (Government Gazette 2992/20.7.2020, vol. B).
The main objectives of conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Thessaly are:
• The extension of the results of the doctoral theses of the researchers in new scientific directions and research fields of interest to the Foundation.
• The attraction and support of competent scientists, in order to contribute to the progress of science, research and its applications.
• The development of cutting-edge research in new fields that are combined with the previous research activity of the researchers.
• The contribution to the approach of special research topics that concern the Foundation and society.
• Strengthening the academic prestige and research work of the University of Thessaly and its contribution to stopping the flight of competent researchers abroad and to strengthening the country’s research potential.
Competent bodies for the approval of postdoctoral research are the Assembly of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design.
Acceptance for the preparation of postdoctoral research can be done by scientific staff who:
1. Has approved post-doctoral scholarships, from agencies or institutions, such as IKY, ELIDEK, University of Thessaly, etc.
2. Comes as a visitor from other national or foreign Universities.
3. Has secured funding for high level research, from national, international or private bodies.
4. Submits a detailed research proposal to a Department.

A necessary condition for submitting an application is the possession of a Doctoral Degree from a domestic or foreign University in a subject related to that of the proposed postdoctoral research.
The Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design accepts applications from interested researchers throughout the year. The application is accompanied by the following supporting documents:
1. Copies of University degree and Ph.D. of the country or similar recognized institutions abroad.
2. Detailed curriculum vitae, with a list of scientific works published in international scientific journals or conferences with the referee system, monographs, books, chapters of collective volumes, etc.
3. If the preparation of postdoctoral research concerns a visiting professor from another University, submit the summary of the proposal, and the consent of the supervising cooperating professor of the department.
4. If the preparation of the post-doctoral research comes from an approved scholarship or other body that finances similar actions, it only submits the summary of the proposal and the decision of the body that has approved the proposal. He also submits the name of the supervising professor who agrees to supervise this research. The application in this case is accepted by the assembly without further evaluation.
5. If the post-doctoral research is part of a larger funded research project and the recruitment has been made after an announcement by the Research Committee, describe his own role in the project and his particular contribution to it. The application is submitted only if there is an agreement of the scientific manager of the project.
These people are included in the postdoctoral fellows of the department to which the scientific supervisor belongs.
6. If the candidacy for postdoctoral research concerns unfunded research, then the candidate submits a documented proposal, based on an extensive bibliographic research, regarding the postdoctoral research to be conducted, which will also state the reasons why the The candidate wishes to prepare said research in the Department. He also submits a relevant certificate of the supervisor who agrees to supervise this investigation.
7. Certification from the Bioethics and Research Ethics Committee of the institution or the Internal Ethics Committee of the departments, within a period of 3 months from the acceptance of the application