
Overall, the graduates of the Department, as foresters, wood scientists and designers, acquire comprehensive knowledge and a full understanding of the fundamental principles, research and scientific methodologies, concepts, procedures and decision-making tools in phenomena and problems related to their field of study and concerning the entire value chain of forests, from primary production to the final use of the products (wood and other forest products) and ecosystem services they provide. This knowledge concerns the administration, the integrated sustainable management, protection, utilization and development of forests and forest lands in general, the strengthening of their multifunctional role and the economic valuation of their ecosystem services, the protection of biodiversity, the management of wild fauna, the exploitation of mountainous and semi-mountainous pastures and grasslands, forestry, ecology and the genetic stock of forests, the study and construction of forestry, hydrological and forest road works, as well as for the management of natural disasters or risks, the handling, processing and control the quality and marketing of forest products, the protection, utilization and maintenance of the balance of the natural environment, the economics of forest production and forest farms, the industries of production, processing and utilization of forest products and the production of energy from forest biomass, the management and protection of terrestrial natural ecosystems, prevention of fires and other natural disasters. In addition, the acquired knowledge includes the highlighting and strengthening of the economic and social value of forests, their contribution to the response, mitigation and resistance to climate change and the bioeconomy, the sustainable handling and utilization of forest biomass, the tourism or other utilization of peri-urban areas and aesthetic forests, the production, standardization and marketing of aromatic plants, fruits and other non-timber forest products and the sustainable commercial exploitation of forest products, the compilation of forest maps, remote sensing and the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the characterization , management and utilization of areas of forest interest and the monitoring of forest ecosystems. In addition they acquire scientific knowledge of wood technology, structure, properties and identification of individual wood species, circular economy and methods of design and production of furniture, wood products, composite welded products and wooden constructions, the principles and rules of quality control and quality assurance systems across the spectrum of wood products, furniture, knowledge of establishment, organization, management, operation and staffing of wood, furniture, wooden packaging and wooden constructions units, as well as wood and furniture product trading units, knowledge of furniture and wood product market operation, and knowledge of development methodologies, use, maintenance and marketing of CAD/CAM/CAE systems and prototyping, application of IT and digital technologies in wood products, furniture but also in forest ecosystems and the natural environment. Finally, the graduates of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, also acquire knowledge in matters of introduction, development, implementation and management of innovation in the entire forest value chain, business planning and the evaluation of investments in the natural environment and the wood and furniture industries , strategy development, marketing of forest products, wood and furniture products and businesses, forest, environmental and development policy, financing, planning and implementation of development projects, programs as well as public and private investments, human resources management and the sustainable development of mountainous and rural areas.