
The graduates of the Department with the knowledge they receive at the PPS are capable of staffing and managing state, but also private structures for the management and utilization of forest and other terrestrial natural resources, to sustainably manage and draw up plans for the exploitation, protection, utilization and development of forests and forestry in general areas, to develop plans for the management of wild fauna, the utilization of mountainous and semi-mountainous pastures and grasslands, to draw up studies and supervise the construction of forestry, hydrological projects and road infrastructures, to manage the technical projects of peri-urban and non-urban, forest and mountainous areas, to draw up studies on the processing and quality control and marketing of forest products, to determine the actions and the institutional framework for the protection, utilization and maintenance of the balance of the natural environment, to draw up plans and organizational charts of forest holdings, industries for the production, processing and utilization of forest products, to determine the management and protection measures of terrestrial natural ecosystems, to draw up plans for tourism or other utilization of peri-urban and aesthetic forests, to organize the production, standardization and marketing of aromatic plants and forest fruits, to utilize the necessary remote sensing information and Geographical Information Systems backgrounds ( GIS) for forest mapping and land characterization and to manage digital data of forest interest. Graduates of the Department still have the ability to value ecosystem services and the overall economic value of forests and forest ecosystems, as well as biodiversity, to estimate and calculate the costs and incomes of forestry production, to highlight the contribution of forests in addressing and mitigating climate change, implement business planning and evaluate investments in the natural environment and the wood and furniture industries, plan the strategy, marketing of forest products, wood and furniture products and businesses, shape the forestry, environmental and development policy, to plan and successfully implement development projects, programs and policies for the sustainable development of mountainous and rural areas. In addition, they acquire abilities to apply the principles of the circular economy and bioeconomy and the scientific methods of design and production of furniture, wood products and wooden structures, abilities to implement the principles and rules of quality control and quality assurance systems in the whole range of wood-furniture products , demonstrate skills in establishing, organizing, managing, operating, staffing and assuming positions of responsibility in wood, furniture, wood packaging and wood construction units, as well as wood and furniture product trading units, possess the ability to understand the modern operation of the market furniture and wood products and demonstrate abilities to apply knowledge of CAD/CAM/CAE system development, use, maintenance and marketing methodologies and prototyping, IT systems development and digital technologies to wood-furniture and natural ecosystem products, as well as technology management, innovation and human resources throughout the forest value chain.