Student Volley Tournament

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024 and Thursday, May 30, 2024, at the Indoor Gymnasium of the Karditsa Sports Center, a student Volley tournament will take place. All proceeds will be allocated to the Association "Pisti".

Voluntary Blood Donation Day

After the tragic accident in Tempi that claimed the lives of several of our fellow citizens and injured even more, the Karditsa General Hospital is organizing a blood donation day on Wednesday 3/1/2023 from 17:00-20:00 and daily 08:00-13:30, so that all of us can sympathize with the victims and their families. The participation of all of us is important.

Christmas Bazaar

On December 16th, 17th & 18th, 2022, the FWSD Student Association is organizing, in Pavsilipo, a Bazaar with student creations, all imaginative and impressive, suitable for gifts this festive season. All proceeds will be allocated to the Association of Parents of Children with Neoplastic Disease "Floga".

Student Basketball Tournament

On December 12th and 13th, at the Indoor Gymnasium of the Karditsa Sports Center (Alexandros Papanastasiou & March 25th Street), a student Basketball tournament will take place. Teams from all four schools of our city are participating and all proceeds will be allocated to "Floga: Association of Parents of Children with Neoplastic Disease". We are waiting for you all!

Charity Basketball Tournament

On Thursday, December 15th, 2022 at 12:00 a charity basketball tournament will be held at the Indoor Gymnasium of the Karditsa Sports Center. Vouchers for charity will be available at the entrance.

Offer of Goods

Those students who want to donate goods and volunteer for the flood victims can do so throughout the day either at the 2nd General High School of Karditsa (Nikolaou Tebonera 5) or at the offices of the association "Act for Karditsa" (Grigoriou Lambrakis 3). Goods currently needed are: food (perishable, dry food, canned goods, water, juice, cookies) and bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows)

Voluntary Blood Donation Day

The FWSD Student Association in collaboration with the Karditsa General Hospital will hold a Voluntary Blood Donation Day on Thursday, December 1st, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Hall C΄ of building C΄ of the Department of Forestry, Wood Science & Design.

Voluntary Blood Donation

On May 25, 2023 at 08:30-13:00, the FWSD Student Association is organizing a voluntary blood donation, the ultimate act of love and solidarity.

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Follow the FWSD Student Association to be informed about their latest actions.