The Academic Year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the following calendar year. The educational work of each academic year is structured in two study semesters, in the winter and in the spring. The exact dates are determined by the Senate of the University of Thessaly.
For the Academic Year 2024-2025, the following apply, according to decision no. 306th/26-04-2024 of the Senate of the University of Thessaly:
Winter semester
Duration 14 Weeks
Holidays Monday 10/28/2024 (National anniversary) Sunday 11/17/2024 (Aniversary Day of Polytexneio) Monday 01/06/2025 (Feast of Epiphany)
Thursday 01/30/2025 (Feast of Three Hierarchs)
Christmas holidays Monday 12/23/2024- Friday 01/30/2025
Spring semester
Start of Courses Monday 02/10/2025
End of Courses Friday 05/30/2025
Duration 14 Weeks
Exams Tuesday 06/10/2025- Friday 06/27/2025
Holidays Monday 03/03/2025 (Green Monday)
Tuesday 03/25/2025 (National Anniversary)
Thursday 05/01/2025 (Labor Day / May Day)
Monday 06/09/2025 (Orthodox Holy Spirit Monday)
Easter holidays Holy Monday 04/14/2025- Friday 04/25/2025