Short CV
Tzouvara Olga MSc is a member of Laboratory Technical Staff of the Department of
Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design of the University of Thessaly with scientific field of “Forestry Expertise, for specialized technical laboratory services of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly”.
Obtaining a Master’s Degree (MSc) “Advanced Product Manufacturing Methods
made of wood” Thesis title: Maintenance and Finishing of Wooden Buildings and Furniture
Outdoor” under the supervision of Professor Mr. Kakaras Ioannis, ΄΄ Study Program of the Department of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology of T.E. of the TEI of Thessaly.
From 2001 to 2019 (18 years) she worked at the TEI of Larissa as an Hourly Laboratory Associate in the Departments of Forestry and Natural Resources Management & Wood and Furniture Design and Technology and as an Academic Scholar in the Study Program of the Department of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology of T.E. of the TEI of Thessaly in the courses:
1. Arrangement Mountain Waters (Laboratory (2001-2006)
2. Furniture and Woodwork Production Technology II (Laboratory (2001-2002),
3. Furniture and Woodwork Materials Technology (Laboratory and Theory (2001-2004))
4. Related Furniture Materials (Laboratory (2004-2010) 5. Surface Treatment & Finishing (Theory and Workshop (2002-2019)
6. Repair – Restoration and Maintenance of Furniture (Workshop (2007-2019).
She worked under contracts in the Student Welfare department as the manager of the Karditsa Student Centers from 2003 until 2023 (20 years).
Worked under a contract in the Department of Student Welfare with responsibilities of evaluation of Nutrition applications of all Departments of Karditsa:
1. Department of Forestry – Wood Sciences and Design,
2. Department of Public and One Health,
3. Department of Food Science and Nutrition,
4. Study Program of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Management of the TEI of Thessaly,
5. Study Program of the Department of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology of T.E. of the TEI of Thessaly,
6. Study Program Of The Department Of Foods Technology Of The TEI Of Thessaly and
7. Nutrition and Dietetics study program.(2019-2023).
She participated as a member of the research team in the research projects: 1.«ENVIRONMENT – ARCHIMEDES II», 2.«Evaluation of the Educational program of the KEK Self-Government of Karditsa S.A., 3.« Utilization of aquatic plants for the production of particle boards in order to replace the woody forest mass”.
Participated in the development of the project “Assisting the administrative work of the Scientific Officers of Karditsa in their collaboration with ELKE, for the Management of all the Programs they implement” in the context of the “SPECIAL FUNDS AND RESEARCH ACCOUNT” with responsibilities a) control of correct completion of the various forms b) the processing of requests to the Research and Management Committee (ELKE) between 20/09/2018 and 19-03-2019.
Worked under IDOCH contracts with specialty Office Clerk and subject of work Secretarial support / Support of Student Centers and ELKE UTH from 09-09-2019 to 05/31/2023.
- CV