We inform you that the Assembly of the FWSD Department has decided that the presentations of the students’ thesis will take place from Monday 21 October 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024. The program of the presentations of the thesis will be posted after the completion of the requests for thesis presentation by the interested students.
The final date for submission of theses presentation requests to the Department Secretariat is Friday, October 11, 2024, in order to prepare the presentation schedule in time.
The procedure is as follows:
1) The student who is ready to present a thesis completes the form INTRODUCTORY REPORT OF THE COMPLETION OF GRADUATE THESIS (attached) which he/she delivers to the supervising professor, who he checks it and signs it. In the case of a group of students with a common subject, the form is sent separately for each student. Before signing the form, the thesis must be checked by the supervising professor through the plagiarism control system (Turnitin or any other specified by the University of Thessaly http://www.lib.uth.gr /LWS/el/is/preventplagiarism.asp).
It is pointed out that any form of plagiarism detected and documented automatically leads to the cancellation of the thesis.
2) The supervising professor delivers the above signed form to the Department Secretariat (within the deadline).
3) The supervising professor proposes, by email or by letter to the Secretariat, two more lecturers of a related academic subject who will participate in the three-member examination committee (the supervising professor must participate), as well as the day /hour in the above presentation period (within the deadline).
4) The Assembly of the Department ratifies the composition of the three-member committees and determines the schedule of presentations of the degree theses which is posted on the notices of the Department’s website.
5) The student submits by email or WeTransfer (if the size is larger than 8 MB) the thesis in electronic format (PDF) to the Secretariat, up to and before the day of the presentation. In the case of a group of students with a common topic, only one student of the group does the assignment.
6) After the presentation of the thesis, the supervising professor submits the grade of the thesis signed by all the members of the examination committee to the Secretariat.
7) The Secretariat posts the grade of the work within 5 working days at the latest in the application of the electronic Secretariat.
8) ATTENTION: After posting the grade of the thesis, the student must deposit the thesis in electronic PDF format in the repository of the central Library of the University of Athens.This process is mandatory for obtaining a degree.In the case of a group of students with a common topic, the submission to the central Library of the ΤΥ is carried out exclusively by one of the students, who, during the submission, notes together with his/her own institutional email and the institutional email of his/her of another student. Details on the last step see here: