Date of examination of diploma theses at MSc “Multifuntional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy”

According to a relevant decision of the Assembly of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, the presentation of the diploma theses of MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy for the current period is scheduled for Friday 28.6.2024. Those diploma theses that are ready should first have Διαβάστε περισσότερα…

Exam Program of the MSc in Advanced Design, Technology & Management of Wooden Products for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024

The exam schedule for the spring semester of the academic year 2023-2024 is announced. CODE COURSE SPECIALIZATION DATE HOUR PROFESSOR M126 Intelligent Automation Technologies in Furniture and Interiors Technology and Construction SATURDAY 15/6/2024 09.00-11.00 Karageorgos A. – Lallas E. M124 Quality control of raw materials and packaging media – Accreditation Διαβάστε περισσότερα…

Invitation for Expression of Interest for Admission to the MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy for the academic years 2024-2025

In the framework of the Master’s Program entitled “Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy” (, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design (, of the School of Technology, University of Thessaly, in accordance with the provisions of decision no. 15417/20/GP of the Chancellor of the University of Th. for Διαβάστε περισσότερα…

Invitation for Expression of Interest for Admission to the MSc in Advanced Design, Technology & Management of Wooden Products for the academic year 2024-2025

For admission to the Master’s Program “Advanced Design, Technology & Management of Wooden Products” The Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly, in accordance with the decision No. 107/29.5.2024 (topic 5) of its Assembly, announces the start of the application Διαβάστε περισσότερα…

Start of Submission of Applications for Free Student Meals for Academic Year 2024-2025

We inform the students of the University of Thessaly, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, that they will submit electronically the Application for the granting of free meals, through the University’s online platform (, using the codes of their institutional account. In order to access the online Feeding Requests platform from Διαβάστε περισσότερα…

Start of Submission of Applications for Right to Student Accomodation & for Free Student Meals in Larissa and Karditsa Acad. Years 2024-2025

We inform the students of the Departments of the University of Thessaly based in Larissa and Karditsa, who wish to be accommodated in the Student Residences, that they will submit the Application electronically through the online platform of the University of Thessaly ( using their institutional account passwords (use of Διαβάστε περισσότερα…